Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mother was there, that was Home.

The following story is adapted from the book : The joy of living compiled by Jaya Chaliha and Edward Le Joly.
Once Mother Teresa picked up a child and took him to their children's home, gave him a bath, clean clothes, everything.
After a day the child ran away. He was found by somebody else but again he ran away.

Then Mother told sisters "please follow the child & see where he goes when he runs away. And the child ran away the 3rd time.
There under a tree was the mother. She had put a small earthenware vessel on 2 bricks & was cooking something she had picked out of the dustbin.

The sisters asked the child "why did you run away from the home". The child said "this is my home, because this is where my mother is".
It was mother who cooked the food. It was mother who hugged the child. Mother was there, that was Home.

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